

As buil­dings are respon­si­ble for 40 per­cent of energy con­sump­tion and 36 per­cent of the CO2 emis­sions in the EU, the ability to reduce envi­ron­men­tal impact of build­ings will be key in order to reach set-up cli­mate tar­gets, in the EU and globally.

our way

The prod­­ucts devel­­oped and sold by the compa­nies in the Bemsiq Group are used in vari­­ous build­ing appli­ca­tions with the mission to accelerate the journey towards smart and climate neutral buil­dings hence sus­tain­ability is inte­gra­ted in our fun­da­men­tal busi­ness model.

Bemsiq firmly belie­ves that a sus­tain­able way of ope­ra­ting will be a means of in­creased share­holder value over time. We have hence arti­cu­lated a clear policy on how we want to con­duct our busi­ness fol­lo­wing the peo­ple, pla­net, pro­fit frame­work. This pol­icy app­lies for all com­pa­nies in the group.

People planet profit framework


It should be easy to work with Bemsiq and we shall be fully trans­parent towa­rds custo­mers, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and emplo­yees on how we con­duct our busi­ness. A clear set of easily acces­si­ble and under­stand­able poli­cies is an impor­tant pil­lar in this ambi­tion. In combi­na­tion with Bemsiq’s cor­por­ate cul­ture that perme­ate all com­pa­nies in the group and the "tone-from-the-top" prin­ci­ple, the poli­cies guide all emplo­yees in all hold­ings of how Bemsiq do busi­ness and behave respon­si­bly.

code of conduct

csr image


solvatten is a Swedish inno­vation that helps fami­lies to clean water. Approx­i­mately one bil­lion people live with­out access to clean water and elec­tri­city. That is, every seventh person. If you were one of them, you would need to spend about 4–5 hours each day to get water and fuel to heat and boil it clean. With clean water at home, the oppor­tu­nity to get time to go to school or work increases, which is a way out of poverty.

Investment AB Latour started a colla­bo­ra­tion with Swedish Solvatten in 2018 and Bemsiq joined the ini­ti­a­tive in 2019. Since 2018 the Latour group has col­lec­ted more than two mil­lion SEK that have gone directly to Sol­vatten con­tain­ers trans­por­ted to ongo­ing pro­jects in Bur­kina Faso and Uganda. Latour's goal is to reach 3,000 fami­lies during a three-year period, which cor­re­sponds to approxi­mately 24,000 people.

Read more about solvatten
